Finding God Again Through Christian Students on Campus
This is part of an on-going series called Our Stories. You can find more testimonies on how God changed college students’ lives through Christian Students on Campus on the Our Stories page. I really did not know how spiritually lost I was until the end of middle school when my family lost its youngest […]
Dear College Student
People are not kidding when they say to treasure your college years because it goes by so fast. As I near graduation, I cannot help but reflect on what the Lord has done in me throughout my four years in college. Growth is a small, daily thing and often times we do not notice it. […]
My 24/7 God
Many people have the wish of living on earth when Jesus Christ was around performing miracles and preaching to large crowds. When someone asks, “If you could travel back to any point in time, where would you go?” many will respond with, “When Jesus was alive!” What these people do not realize is that Jesus […]
Joseph’s Dreams
Last Thursday in the Christian Students on Campus Ministry Series, we discussed Joseph’s two symbolic dreams in Genesis chapter 37. When I first read these passages in the Bible at a younger age, I saw these dreams as simple adumbrations of later events in Joseph’s life. To me, Joseph’s dreams were something specific to his […]
College Conference: A Vision of Christ and the Church
During the weekend of October 17-19, hundreds of students from several campuses traveled to Latham Springs Camp for this fall’s College Conference. The messages presented over the three days focused on the topic of having a vision of Christ and the Church. The All-Inclusive Christ To understand the full picture of the all-inclusiveness of Christ, […]
God Desires a Home
My home is irreplaceable. It’s a place where I belong and a place that belongs to me. My home welcomes me with crisp clean walls when I wake up. My home surrounds me with its warm scent as I lounge around. My home accepts me no matter what condition I’m in. This is my home. […]
A Radical Change
The Significance of Jacob For the past few semesters, Christian Students on Campus has been discussing and fellowshipping about Genesis in their Thursday night Ministry Series. Recently, we went over God’s dealing and breaking of Jacob in Genesis. Like most Christians with a desire for contentment, the subject of dealing is not one that I […]
Where I Stand
It’s taken me three years to finally get it right. I stepped foot onto the Forty Acres three years ago with the ambitious idea that I would change the world. I had a blue print for my college life that would lead me to reaching my career goals. I knew what I wanted and I […]
Bible Reading: The Magi
How it works: At the outset of each new school year, Christian Students on Campus breaks the seal on the New Testament and launches into a Bible reading schedule. We read one or two chapters daily for 180 days and when it’s finished, we start over. As a junior, this is my fifth lap around […]
Fall Feast 2012 with Christian Students (Part 1)
On September 22, Christian Students on Campus members from the UT club as well as from sister clubs joined for the Fall Feast 2012. The Meade family hosted the brothers and sisters for the evening, providing dinner and offering their spacious home and gorgeously landscaped backyard for festivities.