Feb. 1, 2pm

WEL 1.316

What does it mean to be saved?

The Nicene Creed is the most important text to address this question, along with the Bible. This year it is turning 1,700 years old!

This lecture will look closely at this famous creed, its lead-up, legacy, latencies, and lacunae. The towering figure of Athanasius will be key to this conversation as the explicit normative Christology affirmed in the creed that Athanasius mightily fought for presupposes an implicit normative soteriology that he memorably formulated.

Join Christian Students on Campus (UT Austin) to welcome our special guest from Princeton Theological Seminary. There will be an open Q&A afterward.

Coffee and donuts will be provided.


Seating is LIMITED. Get your tickets here.

When:    Feb. 1  at  2PM
Where:  WEL 1.316

What Does It Mean to Be Saved? - Christian Students on Campus (CSOC UT Austin) - 1080x1350

Kyle Barton graduated from Princeton Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity concentrating in Reformed Theology.  He is currently pursuing a PhD in Systematic Theology at Baylor University focused on the relationship between ecclesiology and soteriology in the theologies of Augustine and Karl Barth.