“Faith makes all things possible…
Love makes all things easy.”
THE STORY OF D. L. MOODY, ONE OF THE MOST INFLUENTIAL evangelists of the 19th century, is a powerful testament to how God uses ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things. Moody, who went on to preach the Gospel to millions, was first led to Christ by a Sunday school teacher whose quiet act of obedience left an indelible mark on his life.
Born in 1837 in Northfield, Massachusetts, Moody’s early life was marked by hardship. After his father died when Moody was just four, his mother struggled to raise nine children. Moody received little formal education, leaving school early to work and help support the family. At age 17, he moved to Boston to work at his uncle’s shoe store, where his uncle insisted that he attend church regularly.
Though he complied, Moody had little interest in spiritual matters. He often fell asleep during sermons and showed no outward signs of a softened heart. But Edward Kimball, a humble layman who taught a Sunday school class at Mount Vernon Congregational Church, saw something in Moody worth pursuing. Kimball felt a deep concern for the young man’s soul.
One day, as Kimball was preparing for his Sunday school lesson, he felt a strong prompting from the Holy Spirit to visit Moody at the shoe store. Nervous and unsure of how his words would be received, Kimball hesitated. But the feeling of urgency grew, and he decided to go.
When Kimball arrived, he found Moody in the back room, stacking shoes. Kimball approached him, placed a hand on his shoulder, and began to share the love of Christ. He later described it as
a weak and faltering attempt, uncertain of whether his words had any impact. Even Moody, years later, couldn’t recall exactly what Kimball had said. But what Moody never forgot was the compassion behind the gesture. Reflecting on that moment later in life, Moody remarked, “I can still feel the power of that man’s hand on my shoulder tonight.”
That seemingly small and unremarkable encounter was the turning point in Moody’s life. Touched by Kimball’s kindness and sincerity, Moody surrendered his life to Christ. It was a living illustration of Romans 2:4, which reminds us that it is God’s kindness that leads people to repentance.
From that day forward, Moody’s life was transformed. He moved to Chicago and initially pursued business opportunities, but his priorities soon shifted. He began ministering to the poor, particularly children in the slums, starting Sunday schools and sharing the Gospel wherever he could. Over time, his ministry expanded and he became known for his powerful and straightforward preaching, reaching millions across America and Europe.
What makes Moody’s story even more remarkable is that he was never ordained as a minister. He was known simply as “Mr. Moody,” a layman who devoted himself fully to Christ. His lack of formal titles or degrees only underscores the truth that God’s work does not depend on positions or offices, but on hearts fully surrendered to Him.
Edward Kimball, the Sunday school teacher who feared his words might fail, was, likewise, just an ordinary believer. Yet, through his faithfulness, God ignited a ministry that would impact millions. Kimball’s trembling obedience reminds us that it is not our eloquence or credentials that make the difference, but our willingness to act when God calls.
Moody’s conversion is a powerful encouragement to all who feel unqualified to serve God. It reminds us that even the simplest act of faith—like placing a hand on someone’s shoulder and sharing Christ—can have eternal consequences. Through Moody’s story, we see the undeniable truth: God delights in using ordinary people to accomplish His extraordinary purposes.
The site in Boston where Moody’s life was forever changed– and where countless other lives were impacted as a result– is still marked by a plaque to this day. Hundreds of people walk by this plaque daily, unaware of the life-altering conversation that took place there nearly 200 years ago. May we be those who take notice of what God has done in the past and remain ready for Him to use us in the present to fulfill His Purpose.