Fall Feast 2012 with Christian Students (Part 1)

On September 22, Christian Students on Campus members from the UT club as well as from sister clubs joined for the Fall Feast 2012. The Meade family hosted the brothers and sisters for the evening, providing dinner and offering their spacious home and gorgeously landscaped backyard for festivities.

Freshmen Connect 2012

Get connected! That was the rallying cry of Freshmen Connect 2012, where UT freshmen from all over Texas came together to find community in Christ before the challenges of campus life come upon them.

College Conference Recap

This month, Christian Students attended a weekend conference in Latham Springs, Texas. The conference is held twice a year and is attended by college students all over the south central United States. The topic for the weekend was twofold: Salvation from God’s Side and Life Practices Needed to be Normal and Healthy in the Church […]

Fall Feast: God’s Move with Young People

Yesterday, we had our Fall Feast at a beautiful home on 5 acres in West Lake Hills.  We had a very good crowd of students who had no problem chowing down the brisket and chicken BBQ!  It was a great time to hang out, relax, fellowship, and enjoy the cooling weather in central Texas, but […]

Freshmen Connect 2011 was AWESOME!

Thank you to all those who participated in Freshmen Connect 2011 to make it an unforgettable event and a great way to kick off the Fall semester.  The time was filled with uplifting fellowship from the Epistle of First Peter, Spirit-filled praising and singing, and exciting group activities despite the blazing hot Texas sun. First […]

Companions to Bring Us to Jesus

We had our first Welcome Dinner Saturday, Aug. 20, on the UT campus!  The event was buzzing with our returning students and new students who dropped in to grab a bite and had fellowship with us.  After the meal, we all gathered together and had some dynamite singing and worship.  It felt like we hit […]