How Do We Worship God?

Worship is a common term used among Christians today. When I hear the word worship, the first thoughts that come to my mind include singing hymns, praying, and reading the Bible. Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines worship as “the act of showing respect and love for a god especially by praying with other people who believe in […]


This is the third in a series of five posts about How to Enjoy God, the book we are reading together as club this break. For more on the book, or to read for yourself, click here. Johanna’s and Philip’s posts are in our archives. Check back each Saturday for another report from our blog team. As humans, we […]

College Outing Recap

On Saturday, November 22, Christian Students on Campus met for a three-part message and dinner. After three semesters of getting into the book of Genesis, these messages concluded the study and provided an overview on the lives of Jacob and Joseph. Principles of Transformation The first message focused on principles of transformation as seen in […]

Joseph’s Dreams

Last Thursday in the Christian Students on Campus Ministry Series, we discussed Joseph’s two symbolic dreams in Genesis chapter 37. When I first read these passages in the Bible at a younger age, I saw these dreams as simple adumbrations of later events in Joseph’s life. To me, Joseph’s dreams were something specific to his […]

Genesis Ministry Series

Christian Students on Campus will be covering Genesis this semester in our Thursday night Ministry Series! We’ll be looking at the big picture of God’s purpose presented in chapters 1-9. These few chapters take us all the way from the blueprint of God’s purpose before the need of redemption, to its fulfillment, in type, in […]

God’s Purpose in Building—John 1

V.    God’s Purpose in Building You shall see heaven opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man. –John 1:51 God’s ultimate intention is not merely recovered humanity, enlivened humanity, or transformed humanity. He is looking for a dwelling place among built up believers (Isa. 66:1-2). John distills this colossal […]