The Experiential Christ

When I was 16 years old, the Lord Jesus came into my life and dynamically saved me. I say “dynamically” because it took a definite experience of the Spirit of Christ to snatch me from Satan’s grasp. I was living completely in the world, doing everything possible to find joy and pleasure. The Lord, however, […]
Dear College Student
People are not kidding when they say to treasure your college years because it goes by so fast. As I near graduation, I cannot help but reflect on what the Lord has done in me throughout my four years in college. Growth is a small, daily thing and often times we do not notice it. […]
Spring Break with CSOC
Over spring break Christian Students on Campus traveled all across America! We had a handful of trips from coast to coast, with one group even camping in the Rocky Mountains! Here’s the gallery from our hashtag for the week, #csoc_sbreak. Enjoy! We’ll be back next week with our regular blog content.
College Outing Recap
On Saturday, November 22, Christian Students on Campus met for a three-part message and dinner. After three semesters of getting into the book of Genesis, these messages concluded the study and provided an overview on the lives of Jacob and Joseph. Principles of Transformation The first message focused on principles of transformation as seen in […]
The Autobiography of Martha
When I think of the word, occupied, I envision a war scene—blackened fields bristling with the spears of an enemy. The glint of burnished helmets weakens the knees, and things get hairy when the horn is blown and ten thousand lowlifes contribute a guttural hip-hip. They take a step with one accord and the earth […]
God Desires a Home
My home is irreplaceable. It’s a place where I belong and a place that belongs to me. My home welcomes me with crisp clean walls when I wake up. My home surrounds me with its warm scent as I lounge around. My home accepts me no matter what condition I’m in. This is my home. […]
A Radical Change
The Significance of Jacob For the past few semesters, Christian Students on Campus has been discussing and fellowshipping about Genesis in their Thursday night Ministry Series. Recently, we went over God’s dealing and breaking of Jacob in Genesis. Like most Christians with a desire for contentment, the subject of dealing is not one that I […]
Where I Stand
It’s taken me three years to finally get it right. I stepped foot onto the Forty Acres three years ago with the ambitious idea that I would change the world. I had a blue print for my college life that would lead me to reaching my career goals. I knew what I wanted and I […]
Bible Reading: The Magi
How it works: At the outset of each new school year, Christian Students on Campus breaks the seal on the New Testament and launches into a Bible reading schedule. We read one or two chapters daily for 180 days and when it’s finished, we start over. As a junior, this is my fifth lap around […]