Praise the Lord

As a Christian, I have heard the phrase “Praise the Lord” sprinkled here and there. I would hear the phrase as a substitution to thank God after something positive happened. My understanding was that you praise God after receiving a blessing. It was not until this past week that I fully understood the significance of […]

The Name of Jesus

A name is a source of identification. When somebody calls us by speaking our name, we feel inclined to respond. As a Christian, I am learning that contacting the Lord requires me to say His name. When the name Jesus gets brought up, a fleeting image of the cross or a vision of the Bible […]

Christ is in Me

As a student, I am learning to relish the unexpected “Aha!” moments I get while studying. These ephemeral eureka occurrences give me instant gratification and encourage me to forge ahead in my studies. Even more than academic “aha” moments, what I really treasure are my spiritual “aha” moments. Sometimes when I’m spiritually stuck, the Lord […]

Why Do You Read the Bible?

Reading the Bible is generally considered a good thing. To some it is the barometer of being a good Christian, a handy metric when you’re not sure if your Christian life is “meeting the standard”. To others, reading scripture is a tangible trump in any spiritual competition. It could be acquiring wisdom or just frantic […]

Dissection of a Phrase

There’s this peculiar phrase that I pause and hover over every time I encounter it in the New Testament. It tugs at my attention because it translates as a variety of things: intimate, sometimes out-of-place, and a tad secretive, exuding a do-what-now vibe. After a bit of delving, I discovered that this Biblical saying, “inward […]

The Good News

We’ll be posting a new piece every Thursday morning, as our writers chronicle their experience of Christ in Spring 2015. Please check back and/or subscribe to follow our Student Blog. There is something about preaching the gospel that causes my insides to tense up and my whole body to go into a state of panic. I […]

The Spirit: The “Always” Answer

In the Best Spirit Winter break has only been 5 weeks, but I drooped into hibernation for at least a chunk of it. Like a trout in a frozen stream, my spirit didn’t flow quite like usual and I grew slack with Bible reading and fellowship. It’s times like these when I feel the bluest […]

Eating versus Doing

This is the fourth in a series of five posts about How to Enjoy God, the book we are reading together as club this break. For more on the book, or to read for yourself, click here. Johanna’s, Philip’s, and Sarah’s posts are in our archives. Check back each Saturday for another report from our blog team. Eating and […]


This is the third in a series of five posts about How to Enjoy God, the book we are reading together as club this break. For more on the book, or to read for yourself, click here. Johanna’s and Philip’s posts are in our archives. Check back each Saturday for another report from our blog team. As humans, we […]

Enjoying God in His Incarnation

This is the second in a series of five posts about How to Enjoy God, the book we are reading together as a club this break. For more on the book, or to read for yourself, click here. Johanna’s first post is in our archives. Check back each Saturday for another report from our blog team. I think […]