And Peter—A Lesson in God’s Heart For Us

When I think of failure in the Bible, Peter is the first person who comes to mind. When Jesus asked him “do you love me?” Peter responded, “Yes, Lord, You know that I love You” (John 21:16). Yet, when Jesus asked him to watch and pray, Peter fell asleep and was asked, “Are you sleeping? […]

The Good Life or the Good Land

A few years ago, I was a teenager who was drawn by the allure of the American Dream. The country’s national ethos instilled in me the hope of prosperity and seemed to promise this in exchange for hard work and achievement. Thus, as a young teen armed with hopeful ideals, I eagerly set out on […]

For Every ‘Tomorrow’

I’ve spent much of my college career anticipating the years to come. The thing is I’m a dreamer, and I’d give an ironic right arm to be a professional dancer or on staff with “The New Yorker.” I’ve whittled away hours in the studio and hours with my fingers poised on the keys, hopeful for […]

Giving God Our Little Until He Gets Our All

Living in a society where people give anything from physical possessions to blood donations, I’m constantly reminded of the “gift of giving”. As a child, I was taught to share my toys, give attention to teachers, and give respect to elders. As I grew older, I gave rides to friends, gave time to volunteer, and […]

How to Follow Jesus Today

When God became a man and lived on the earth, He recruited disciples to carry out His ministry. Because He was in the flesh and people could physically see Him, calling others was pretty straightforward. He simply said to people, “Come, follow Me” (Mark 1:17). In today’s world, Christians often talk about “following Jesus,” but […]

College Conference Recap—the Divine Mousetrap

On my high school church retreats, we used to have something called the Cry Chair. The premise of the Cry Chair was simple. All of us tiny, hormonal teenage campers sat in a circle with one chair in the middle of the room. Everybody was invited to sit in the chair and come clean about […]

The Bible Buffet

The Bible isn’t your typical book. It’s not just a book of words or a book of knowledge, but a book of life. The Bible doesn’t fill you with doctrines that fade in your memory over time; it nourishes you with Christ and it dwells in you richly. The realization that the Bible isn’t simply […]

The Blessings of God’s Word

Being raised in the finest American suburbs of San Antonio Texas, I grew up unconsciously instilled with a culture that allows a stranger to see my roots. Greetings give me away quickly–“Hey, y’all” and “Howdy”. Whenever I meet a non-Texan, they almost immediately point these things out, whereas I don’t even hear them. Because it’s […]

Commanded to Love

For all their differences, college students and circus performers have this in common—they can juggle. In fact, they are always discovering just how much they can keep in the air at the same time. As a sophomore, I am well acquainted with the juggling act. Each responsibility I have is another ball in my hand, […]

The Loveliest Function

  I am a college senior. Most days I forget until someone reminds me, and then my heart does a skittish Charleston atop my diaphragm. Only seven months until the Uncharted Future is here. And after three years of pursuing Christ with Christian Students on Campus, I’ve been anxious that my final year would be […]