Hot Messes of the Bible

People say that dogs take on the personality of their owner. Well, that must be why my dog is such a hot mess. JK, she’s perfect. But, I am a hot mess. Yo soy un diastre. (There’s no direct translation. I think that says something about our culture.) Sometimes I fall asleep with Cheetoh fingers. […]

An Everlasting Springtime

I’ve been a UT student for twelve years. Well, not really – but I have been coming to the UT campus for twelve years. Either one or both of my parents have worked at UT since I was seven, so this place has pretty much been a part of my life since I can remember. […]

Enjoy God and the Rest Will Follow

I do not want to do things. I know that sounds weird, and to those who know me, it seems like an outright lie, because I am always doing things of every sort. Rehearsing with my band, lifting weights, going to concerts, writing reviews, participating in Bible studies, and, occasionally, showing up to class. Though […]

10 Quotes from the Tree of Life Ch 4-6

Christian Students on Campus continued our summer reading, The Tree of Life. As another long and tiring week concludes, we bring our top ten quotes. We hope you enjoy them and hope you continue to read with us. Now, here are our top ten quotes from chapters 4-6 of The Tree of Life.    Chapter […]

10 Quotes from the Tree of Life Ch 1-3

This summer Christian Students on Campus is reading through a book called The Tree of Life. Even during the summer, when we are not swamped with regular semester school work, we know that it’s easy to fall behind schedule. Every Friday we will recap that week’s readings with our top ten quotes. Let these quotes […]

L.O.V.E. and Moving On

As I sit here on my bed not having to worry about undergraduate homework, projects, or tests ever again, I am struggling with this final blog post. It’s not that I’ve reached the epitome of senioritis and can’t even get words typed out, but, through reflection, I’ve realized that my college experience was not so […]

Though We Run, He is Faithful

It was all set. My bags were packed. I said my goodbyes. I was ready to move on. As I read my acceptance letter, I had everything planned out. I was going to room with my best friend, make new connections, and excel in all my classes. God wasn’t part of my plan, nor did […]

Four Days till Graduation

I made the drive from Houston to Austin today, and spent half the time deliberating how to begin my final blog post here. Nothing seems to adequately capture the culmination of my four years, nor the bigness of the coming transition. I guess a direct approach works best: I am graduating from UT, and am […]

Burdened and Burdening

I used to think the word burden was the heaviest word in the world. Its weighty connotation, stirred up images of impossibly loaded weights that would shatter me upon contact. In my mind, the term was so negative that I made it a mission to avoid any collection of burden and to avoid being a […]

How Do We Worship God?

Worship is a common term used among Christians today. When I hear the word worship, the first thoughts that come to my mind include singing hymns, praying, and reading the Bible. Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines worship as “the act of showing respect and love for a god especially by praying with other people who believe in […]