L.O.V.E. and Moving On

As I sit here on my bed not having to worry about undergraduate homework, projects, or tests ever again, I am struggling with this final blog post. It’s not that I’ve reached the epitome of senioritis and can’t even get words typed out, but, through reflection, I’ve realized that my college experience was not so […]

Burdened and Burdening

I used to think the word burden was the heaviest word in the world. Its weighty connotation, stirred up images of impossibly loaded weights that would shatter me upon contact. In my mind, the term was so negative that I made it a mission to avoid any collection of burden and to avoid being a […]

And Peter—A Lesson in God’s Heart For Us

When I think of failure in the Bible, Peter is the first person who comes to mind. When Jesus asked him “do you love me?” Peter responded, “Yes, Lord, You know that I love You” (John 21:16). Yet, when Jesus asked him to watch and pray, Peter fell asleep and was asked, “Are you sleeping? […]

The Good Life or the Good Land

A few years ago, I was a teenager who was drawn by the allure of the American Dream. The country’s national ethos instilled in me the hope of prosperity and seemed to promise this in exchange for hard work and achievement. Thus, as a young teen armed with hopeful ideals, I eagerly set out on […]

Giving God Our Little Until He Gets Our All

Living in a society where people give anything from physical possessions to blood donations, I’m constantly reminded of the “gift of giving”. As a child, I was taught to share my toys, give attention to teachers, and give respect to elders. As I grew older, I gave rides to friends, gave time to volunteer, and […]

The Bible Buffet

The Bible isn’t your typical book. It’s not just a book of words or a book of knowledge, but a book of life. The Bible doesn’t fill you with doctrines that fade in your memory over time; it nourishes you with Christ and it dwells in you richly. The realization that the Bible isn’t simply […]

Our High Priest

Recently, throughout my seemingly endless bouts of failure and defeat, I’ve been appreciating that I have a High Priest as portrayed in the book of Hebrews. Hebrews 4:15 says, “For we do not have a High Priest who cannot be touched with the feeling of our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all […]

My Spiritual Diet

As I’ve been mastering the art of stress eating these past few weeks, I’ve been reminded of the simple cliché, “You are what you eat”. Let me develop this cliché by appending these additional phrases: “You eat what you love. You are what you eat. Over time, you express what you love. ” I’m going […]

Christ is in Me

As a student, I am learning to relish the unexpected “Aha!” moments I get while studying. These ephemeral eureka occurrences give me instant gratification and encourage me to forge ahead in my studies. Even more than academic “aha” moments, what I really treasure are my spiritual “aha” moments. Sometimes when I’m spiritually stuck, the Lord […]


This is the third in a series of five posts about How to Enjoy God, the book we are reading together as club this break. For more on the book, or to read for yourself, click here. Johanna’s and Philip’s posts are in our archives. Check back each Saturday for another report from our blog team. As humans, we […]