A Normal Christian Life

Being a Christian means having Christ’s life in us. While this fact in itself is marvelous, it is also mysterious. We receive this life when we believe in our hearts and confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord, but this life is not yet complete. In fact, we go through a process of transformation […]
Where do we find our identity?
I often hear stories of people finding their “identity.” On a college campus like UT Austin, it seems like there are endless possibilities when it comes to finding something to identify myself with. I probably put too much pressure on myself to try to fit the mold of what I think I am supposed to […]
God’s Purpose Throughout the Ages
When I first started to actively read the Bible and pursue the Lord, I had one central question in mind: What does the Lord want from me? Throughout my Christian life, I had always assumed God had some plan for the course of my life, but I had never really considered His eternal purpose before. […]
How Do We Worship God?
Worship is a common term used among Christians today. When I hear the word worship, the first thoughts that come to my mind include singing hymns, praying, and reading the Bible. Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines worship as “the act of showing respect and love for a god especially by praying with other people who believe in […]
How to Follow Jesus Today
When God became a man and lived on the earth, He recruited disciples to carry out His ministry. Because He was in the flesh and people could physically see Him, calling others was pretty straightforward. He simply said to people, “Come, follow Me” (Mark 1:17). In today’s world, Christians often talk about “following Jesus,” but […]
Commanded to Love
For all their differences, college students and circus performers have this in common—they can juggle. In fact, they are always discovering just how much they can keep in the air at the same time. As a sophomore, I am well acquainted with the juggling act. Each responsibility I have is another ball in my hand, […]
The All-Inclusive Christ
As the semester comes to a close and the stress of finishing papers and preparing for finals sets in, anxiety seems to be inevitable. In the midst of my busy days, I have realized that I need to remind myself to turn to the Lord and remain in contact with Him. In my struggle to […]
Drink the Living Water
In Jeremiah 2:13, the Lord refers to Himself as “the fountain of living waters.” He is the supply to quench our spiritual thirst. However, the picturesque image that runs through my mind when I hear this term doesn’t always match my experience. When distractions invade our lives, it seems impossible to experience the Lord as […]
The Name of Jesus
A name is a source of identification. When somebody calls us by speaking our name, we feel inclined to respond. As a Christian, I am learning that contacting the Lord requires me to say His name. When the name Jesus gets brought up, a fleeting image of the cross or a vision of the Bible […]
Eating versus Doing
This is the fourth in a series of five posts about How to Enjoy God, the book we are reading together as club this break. For more on the book, or to read for yourself, click here. Johanna’s, Philip’s, and Sarah’s posts are in our archives. Check back each Saturday for another report from our blog team. Eating and […]