
Christian Students on Campus continued our summer reading, The Tree of Life. As another long and tiring week concludes, we bring our top ten quotes. We hope you enjoy them and hope you continue to read with us. Now, here are our top ten quotes from chapters 4-6 of The Tree of Life.


 Chapter 4

“This is the very intention God has toward us, that we may take Him as food so that we can be mingled with Him to express Him in this universe.” (33)

“We may have thought that the temple is only something for God, that it is merely the dwelling place of God. But we have to realize that the temple of God, the house of God, is not only something for God but also something for us. The temple is the fullest expression of God Himself being our enjoyment. God Himself as the temple becomes our dwelling place.” (35)

“The more you enjoy Christ as life, the more you will desire, hunger, and thirst for the church life. The more you enjoy the Lord, the more you will sense the need to fellowship with others.” (37)

“The best way to redeem our time is to keep ourselves in the courts of the Lord. One day there is better than a thousand days. Some people may criticize you by saying that you are wasting your time, but actually you are not wasting your time. You are gaining your time one thousandfold by remaining in the Lord’s house in the enjoyment of the Lord.” (37)

Chapter 5

“Redemption is not the goal, the aim, but the procedure to reach the goal. The Lord Jesus shed His blood for redemption so that we might eat His flesh for our nourishment.” (44)

I Am indicates that Christ is all-inclusive. He is whatever we need. He is like a blank, endorsed check. As the I Am, He is whatever you need. If you need healing, I Am is healing. If you need life, I Am is life. If you need power, I Am is power. If you need light, I Am is light. What you need, He is. He is I AM WHO I AM, the great I Am (Exo. 3:14).” (46)

“The Bible is a book of life. This wonderful Triune God is our enjoyment in many aspects revealed in the Scriptures.” (49)

“All of what God is, all of what God has accomplished, and all of what God has attained is in this Spirit, this breath. The Spirit is like the air, so applicable, available, near, and dear.”  (50-51)

Chapter 6

“The Christian life is not merely a matter of doing or working but a matter of partaking of God as the tree of life. This point was clearly made by the Lord Jesus in John 6 where He said that He was the bread of life (v. 35) and that the one who ate Him would live because of Him (v. 57).” (56)

“The Lord Jesus is the life-giving Spirit with our spirit. We have to learn how to exercise our spirit to feed on Him, to feast on Him, to eat of Him. If we enjoy Him by the way of eating, this will turn us from outside the Lord’s house to the inside, and this will transform us from pieces of clay into precious stones good for God’s building.” (62)

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