Christ in you
Many people have the wish of living on earth when Jesus Christ was around performing miracles and preaching to large crowds. When someone asks, “If you could travel back to any point in time, where would you go?” many will respond with, “When Jesus was alive!” What these people do not realize is that Jesus is alive NOW and He is available at any moment! He is what I like to call my 24/7 God – available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. From the beginning, God had the desire to be available to us and even made us in a special way.

When God created man He formed him with three parts: spirit, soul, and body. This point is made clear in 1 Thessalonians 5:23 when it lists these three parts for a whole person. We know that our body is what we see when we look in the mirror, the outer part of us. We know that our soul is our mind, emotion, and will, which composes our personality. The last part is our human spirit. When we receive the Lord Jesus Christ, He enters into our spirit.  How can God do that? In 1 Corinthians 15:45 we see that God, described as the “last Adam,” became the life-giving Spirit. Since God is the Spirit, He can enter into our human spirit. It is because of our human spirit that we can contact and experience God.

How do we know that God is in us? The Bible is a great place to start! There are four verses in the New Testament that explicitly show us this fact:

Christ in you, the hope of glory. –Col. 1:27

…it is no longer I who live but it is Christ who lives in me… –Gal. 2:20

Christ is in you… –Rom. 8:10

…do you not realize about yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you… –2 Cor. 13:5

As believers, we have God within us as life. Because God is always in our spirit, we can always touch God there. He is just as real now as He was when He lived on the earth. We can experience and touch God at any moment of any day. He is available 24/7. How awesome is this?!?! Very.

There are several times during the day that I realize I am not capable of doing certain things. As a college student you are bound to have plenty of struggles. As I am approaching my final semester of college I have to juggle schoolwork, a job, an internship, and some type of social life, all while trying to get a decent amount of sleep. It is when I reach my limit that I realize I cannot do this on my own and that I need God. It is those moments when I appreciate my 24/7 God who is just waiting for me to turn to Him.

I can recall a very specific moment when this fact was so valuable to me. The time was around midterms and I was a walking zombie, trying to “hang in there”. The struggle was real. I was sitting in the liberal arts building trying to refrain from going into an anxiety attack. It was then when a song came to mind—I’m not sure where it came from—but it was exactly what I needed. The song goes:

So, why not open up and call His name, “Oh Lord!”
Find your spirit where His grace has been outpoured.
Call His name, taste His grace, exercise before His face
He’s longing and yearning.
He’s hoping and waiting.
He’s ever desiring for you to turn to Him.

The lyrics reminded me that the easiest way to reach God in my spirit is as simple as saying “Oh Lord Jesus!” It was after saying those three words that I could “taste His grace.” No, my tests didn’t go away, my assignments did not disappear, and my problems were not solved. However, I did touch God in my spirit and I received the grace to get down to business.

It doesn’t matter when you do it, where you are, or what the situation is, God is available and He can supply you with whatever you need. Finals are coming up and I am certain I am going to need my 24/7 God.

By: J. Zambrano

Johanna Zambrano
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One Response

  1. Johanna, this is such a great reminder that God is
    available 24/7. Thanks for such a well-written article!