On Friday, September 12th, Christian Students on Campus traveled to Highland Lakes Camp for Freshmen Connect 2014. Upon arriving, participants were separated into ten groups identified by a certain color and received a t-shirt matching that specific color. Each group created a team name along with a cheer that was performed after dinner. The teams competed against one another on Friday night through a series of games that incorporated teamwork and bonding. Each team accumulated points through these activities.

This Year’s Theme—The Compass of Our Christian Life

compassThe two-day retreat focused on “The Compass of Our Christian Life.” As we spiritually mature, we begin to move toward the Lord by having a personal relationship with Him. Three essential components are needed in order to grow in this relationship. The first necessity is to recover our intimacy with God through morning revival. Mark 1:35 provides a clear picture of spending time with the Lord early in the morning before we start our days. The point of morning revival isn’t just to wake up early and go through the motions of praying and reading the word; the true purpose is to gain Christ by taking Him in. The second necessity is to seek Christ through reading His word in the Bible. Colossians 3:16 describes how reading and praying over the word can transform us through the nourishment that it provides. Prayer is the third necessity because it allows us to experience deeper fellowship with God. Confessing our sins also reconciles us with Him and cleanses us from unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).


On Friday night, a message about baptism was also given. Baptism is the complete step in the process of salvation. Mark 16:16 says that after a person believes into Christ, he needs to be baptized. Baptism signifies our identification with Christ’s death and resurrection (Rom. 6:4). In order to walk in newness of life, baptism is essential. When we get baptized, we are saved out of the world through a transition to a different realm. This changing of realms is represented in Noah’s ark passing through the flood and Israel’s crossing the Red Sea. Baptism doesn’t just save us from an evil; it puts us into the name of the triune God (Matthew 28:19), Christ (Galatians 3:27), the death of Christ (Romans 6:3), and the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:13). The beauty of baptism is that we are putting on the person of Christ when we are immersed in the water (Gal. 3:27). Following this message, eight students were baptized in a pool on the camp property the next day. It was a blessing to see people give their lives to Jesus and get baptized in His name.

Follow Me, but not Alone

The teams continued to accumulate points on Saturday by participating in a scavenger hunt that included finding locations based on clues and working with other teams to complete activities. Part 2 of the message series was presented after the scavenger hunt. This message focused on God’s purpose regarding the church and the body of Christ. As seen in chapters 4 and 9 of the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus desires for us to follow Him. We are able to follow Him by seeking Him. To seek Jesus, it is crucial that we build each other up through having fellowship with other believers. The gathering of two or three companions, group meetings, and church meetings are ways for followers of Christ to fully experience God’s riches.

The Direction of Our Lives

The final message emphasized God’s eternal purpose and the direction of our lives. When we follow Jesus, we have a compass for our life in Christ Himself. Exodus 21:5 mentions loving “my master, my wife, and my children.” When we make the Lord our master, we have the freedom to abide in His word and attain his love and mercy. “My wife” corresponds to the other believers in the church. Experiencing fellowship with others who seek Jesus strengthens us as Christians and integrates us into the body of Christ. “My children” corresponds to the fruit we bear as a result of Christ living inside of us and transforming us. Through the Lord’s work on us and in us, we can bring forth fruit to the glory of the Father. By expressing God in our everyday lives, we are fulfilling His purpose. Even though we are uncertain of what our individual futures hold, God’s plan in the building up of the church is a greater direction because it leads to our eternal destination. When we discover this true meaning of life, we are freed from seeking worth and happiness in worldly possessions or relationships.

T-shirts and Testimonies

photo(1)The final event of Freshmen Connect was a t-shirt design competition. Each group was provided with a blank t-shirt and decorated it according to the three messages that were presented. The groups also came up with creative ways to present their shirt design and explain its significance. The evening concluded with freshmen testimonies and announcements of the winners. Freshmen Connect was an exciting way to meet others with the same passion for the Lord. Understanding God’s eternal purpose and the direction and destination of each one of our lives as Christians provides so much meaning and clarity.

By: M. Cannizzo







Mikaela Cannizzo
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