beautiful feet Austin Tx UT

This past month Christian Students on Campus participated in a campus wide gospel move called Beautiful Feet. At least 30 campus ministries participated in the event by signing up for one hour, weekly slots to preach the gospel on campus. The name of the event comes from Romans chapter 10, near the end of Paul’s masterful account of the way to participate in God’s salvation in Christ. After presenting Christ’s process of death and resurrection and the way to be  saved, Paul follows up with how this can actually happen in people’s lives.

How then shall they call upon Him into whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe into Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without one who proclaims Him?And how shall they proclaim Him unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who announce the news of good things!” –Romans 10:14-15

Christians Students on Campus had 22 people sign up for an hour slot each week. That means we potentially preached the gospel for 88 hours as a club this month.

In total, we had:

242 conversations, 99 gospel presentations, 20 people pray to receive the Lord Jesus, and 12 renewals of faith.

It has been an awesome and encouraging month.

Gospel preaching is not a special vocation carried out by professionals. It is not only for the gifted, eloquent, logical, or bold among us. It is not only for those in debate classes. It is the daily responsibility, privilege, and enjoyment of every believer in Christ.

Hopefully this month has given us a taste for the joy of witnessing and leading men to Christ. And hopefully we will aspire to share our Christ with others as God has shared Him with us.

CSOC Admin