Christian Students on Campus college conference

1 Corinthians—the Lab Manual

16 chapters. 437 verses. Countless problems. One solution: Christ!

Paul’s first epistle to the Corinthians was unpacked at the fall 2012 edition of the college conference at Latham Springs.

First Corinthians is the longest of Paul’s 14 epistles. In contrast with Romans, which gives a general sketch of the church life, First Corinthians gives an illustration of an actual church life in practice.

Romans is the textbook. 1 Corinthians is the lab manual.

Context and Focus

What was the context of the actual church life in Corinth? Problems. And problems. And more problems. The Corinthians were divisive (1:10), fleshy (3:1), judgmental (4:3), immoral (5:1), inconsiderate (11:21-22), and so much more. Sound familiar? In reality, we are all Corinthians, living a church life with many problems.

Fortunately, we don’t have to focus on these problems. At the college conference, they were mentioned only briefly at the beginning. We spent most of the conference focusing on Christ. When Paul thought of the Corinthians, he didn’t think of their problems; he thought of Christ crucified (2:2). This is because the answer to all our problems is not self-help, philosophy, therapy, or method. It’s Christ.

For I did not determine to know anything among you except Jesus Christ, and this One crucified. -1 Corinthians 2:2

The speaking at the conference peeled back layer after layer of Christ, revealing more and more of our Lord and Savior. When all was said and done, we had seen twenty aspects of Christ and His cross as the solution to all of our problems. The question is: how big is your Christ?

Christian Students on Campus


Everybody who went to the conference had their vision of Christ expanded. Some also had the privilege of experiencing baptism. In all, over 25 college students were baptized, including seven from our very own Christian Students on Campus at UT.

Be sure not to miss the next conference, which will be held on March 1-3, 2013, again at Latham Springs Retreat Center.

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