This year, Christian Students has offered Bible studies in UT dorms for campus residents and anyone else interested. In light of the campus-wide activities for Rez Week, the topic for the past Thursday night bible study in Whitis Court was resurrection.

Before raising her brother Lazarus from the dead, the Lord Jesus told Martha, “I am the resurrection and the life”. (John 11:25)

What is life? What is resurrection? Simply put, life is the power to exist. And resurrection is the power to overcome anything against life. According to this verse, resurrection is not simply the act of raising someone from the dead. Resurrection is Jesus Christ Himself, the very Person that overcomes death.

Resurrection is a Person.

Eventually, all men die. No amount of medicine, wealth, or earthly happiness can keep a man alive forever. No one is stronger than death. The only Person who ever overcame the stronghold of death is the Lord Jesus.

Acts 2:24 tells us He “loosed the pangs of death, because it was not possible for him to be held by it”. 1 Corinthians 15:26 boasts that He “destroyed death, His last enemy.”

The Lord overcame death in resurrection. But what does that mean for our daily life?

Obviously, we do not die every day physically, but sometimes we may feel emotional, mental, or spiritual death. These are chances for the Lord to prove that He is the resurrection and to infuse us with life again.

As Christians, we have the One who is the Resurrection and the Life living within us.

So why should we fear death?

Death has been swallowed up unto victory!

Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?

Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

-1 Corinthians 15:54-57

Our victory over every kind of death is the Lord Jesus Christ as the resurrection. What a triumph!

How have you experienced Christ as resurrection life?

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2 Responses

  1. What I really enjoyed most about the topic of Ressurecttion,and the Dorm Bible Studies in general, is how well we all dive into common Christian principles. This week marked a great week in Whitis Dorm BIble Study particulary because a brother that I have invited for months finally came. I never stopped inviting him week after week. I see this as an example of Resurrection in that we can never stop learning/knowing Christ! It is a daily process to know the power of his Ressurecttion. PRAISE THE LORD THAT WE CAN KNOW CHRIST EACH AND EVERY DAY!

  2. Wow, I really love the point that resurrection is PERSON named Jesus Christ. Thank the Lord that we can experience this resurrection life in any situation, any place, at any time just by calling out to the Lord Jesus. How wonderful!