Every Thursday evening, we hold our general club meeting at the Sanchez building. This past week, as usual, some club alumni in the community provided a yummy home-cooked dinner. Following our meal, we enjoyed a sweet time of singing and fellowship.

For the message, Kyle and David shared on the security, assurance, and joy of our salvation. Although I thought I knew this topic backwards and forwards, I gained a fresh appreciation for it.

How do we know without a doubt that we are truly regenerated? How can we be assured we are legitimate sons of God? I was impressed with the three ways we can prove our salvation to ourselves and to others.

1. The outward proof: The word of God

“I have written these things to you that you may know that you have eternal life, to you who believe into the name of the Son of God.” 1 John 5:13

The Bible says so! According to this verse, the formula is simple. Believing into the name of Jesus yields eternal life. God graciously assures us of this divine fact in His Word.

2. The inward proof: The Spirit of God

Romans 8:15-16 tells us we “have received a spirit of sonship in which we cry, Abba, Father!” and that “the Spirit Himself witnesses with our spirit that we are children of God.”

As regenerated believers, we now have God dwelling in us. When we were born of God, we received His Spirit into our human spirit. This word “witnesses” implies that His Spirit mingled with our spirit testifies or assures us we have been born again, that we have been saved.

3. The proof of love: Love for the brothers

“We know that we have passed out of death and into life because we love the brothers…” 1 John 3:14

David shared that when we are saved, we have an unexplainable love for other brothers and sisters in Christ, regardless of our natural relationships with them. Whether we have known them for years or for a week, we love them. This love goes beyond our natural feelings and affections; even the least lovely members of the Body still spark a sense of care and love.

Salvation is a very extensive topic, considering it is the foundation of our Christian faith.

Check out the outline for further study on this topic: The Assurance and Security of Salvation

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